Eco Moyo Goes Digital with Starlink

The world is becoming more and more digital by the day, (say what you want about that) but here at Eco Moyo we´re embracing every chance to enhance education and sometimes this digital stuff simply is the best. However it's challenging when there's no internet connection and the wifi signal keeps falling out - but thanks to the previously mentioned amazing cousin Max - we can proudly present our new Starlink wifi! Say what you want about the founder, but he created a good and steady wifi sending signals from his satellite from outer space - right in the heart of the african bush. Now online meetings and education (writing newsletter) without signal is in the past! 

The world is rapidly embracing digital technologies, and here at Eco Moyo, we are no exception. We recognize the immense value in using digital tools to enhance education and improve communication. However, it can be quite challenging when you're in an area with unreliable internet connections and constant wifi signal interruptions.

But thanks to the incredible efforts of our previously mentioned cousin, Max, we are excited to announce the arrival of our new Starlink wifi system! (say what you want about the founder, we don´t always agree with him) but this technology has revolutionised our connectivity by beaming stable and consistent wifi signals from a new satellite in outer space, right here in the heart of the African bush! How cool!? (We even had fun setting it up). This means that the frustration of dealing with dropped signals during online meetings and education, as well as writing newsletters, is now a thing of the past!


Visit from the Netherlands!


Malin's Arrival at Eco Moyo