Projects & Partners
Here you will find projects that we have developed over the years, inspired by our strategic plan. Additionally, we have included short messages of gratitude to all our partners who have contributed to the growth of the school.
We want to dedicate this page to show our appreciation for the various sponsors and partners we’ve had over the years.
Much love to you Nelson, there are not enough words to describe how much we appreciate you.
The biggest hug of them all has to go to Martin, Fredrik & all friends & artists of Eco Moyo Auction for donating all the amazing pictures that have been actioned off over the years! We love you all!
Much love to all the students and teachers from up north, both engineers and architects at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology for coming down and exploring solutions for our school.
A lot of love and gratitude to all the people that were involved in developing our strategic plan and the limitless support over the years from Arkitekter Uten Grenser.
A huge THANK YOU to eQuality. You know, we know who you are, and we are beyond grateful to have crossed paths with all of you.
Marit, thank you for establishing the Leap Learning Lab - a room dedicated to new educational method through technology. It’s much loved by the students!
Many Thanks to all the children from “Barnas Fredspris” for your consistent donations and support over the years, it truly helps keep the school running and growing from year to year.
A big shoutout to all the students and teachers from The Oslo School of Design and Architecture that worked long and hard days to establish some of the first school buildings.
West Consulting, with much gratitude we thank you for taking social responsibility seriously and caring about our students by sponsoring our Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
To all the awesome people at Moving the Goalposts. Thank you for organizing the numerous workshops and spreading your knowledge to all of our students!
To all the great Engineers and students from Ingeniører Uten Grenser. Thank you for taking us seriously and exploring our challenges and providing concrete solutions to our school.
Big thanks to Kavli Fondet for having believed in us, and consistently contributed for this many years.
120 Hours, it was truly fun to spread the word to all the students across the world, and your competition contributed tremendously to the development and establishing of the Sports Area.
Thank you to all the students and teachers from Skap Folkehøgskole for all the memories and time that was spent with our students.
Eco Moyo Kindergarten, Arkitekter Uten Grenser & Architectopia
In fall 2019 Arkitekter uten grenser (AUG), Architectopia and Eco Moyo Education Centre started a collaboration where the aim was to design and build two new kindergarten classrooms for Eco-Moyo Education Centre.
New extended Kitchen, eQuality
The new school kitchen is aaaawesome! Using far less firewood and great to have so much more storage and a proper washing area! Thanks to eQuality foundation!